Thursday, April 10, 2008

Offspring Update

It's been a while (to put it lightly!) since my last blog so much so that now I have two subjects to blog about instead of one.

I was wondering what would be an appropriate point to start the updates but too much has happened and to fill in all the details would probably cause a minor overload on the Blogger server so I guess the short version will have to do.
She's almost three and a half now and sometimes acts more like a little adult than a kid. She goes to Pat's Schoolhouse (just across the street from where we live) everyday in the mornings from 9-12pm. She seems to be settling down quite well and the teachers tell me she's a quick learner prone to mood swing and very stubborn. Not surprising considering her gene pool.

She's at the "Why?Why? Why?" stage now which drives me nuts sometimes and other times, leaves me in hysterics.

Fortunately, she loves her little sister and her regular after school routine would be to march through the front door, kick her purple crocs off as far across the living room as she can, announce "I'm Home!" at the top of her voice and then rush over to give her mei-mei (who by this time, would be wide awake after that entrance) big kisses all over.

Here's a pretty recent pic of her over Easter when we went to Bintan for the long weekend.


This baby is a godsent! The first three months looked like she was going to follow in her sister's footsteps and be a "needy" baby but once the colic settled and the magical fourth month came around, she decided that her poor parents needed a break and switched on the charm and left it there ever since.

Every day though, I wonder if this is a fluke and this lucky streak will run out soon. She's such an amazing textbook baby who smiles all the time, goes to sleep by herself and knows how to soothe herself when she wakes up in the middle of the night.

These are her typical expressions:

She thinks the world of her sister as well and never ceases to laugh out loud at her silly antics.

Watching the two of them now, I hope they grow up to be close and be able to depend on each other as mummy has decided that they will be the only sibling for each other!

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